Lamar Head Start wants to thank High Plains Community Health Center for their kind donation of water cups full of fun goodies for our end of the year fun buckets for all of our students!
¡Queremos agradecer al Centro de Salud Comunitario High Plains por su amable donación de vasos para agua llenos de regalitos para nuestras cubetas de fin de año para todos los estudiantes!

Newsletter English

Boletin Español

Family Movie Night is tonight @ 5:30pm
School Readiness Workshop by Education Coordinator Keri Cook
Parent Committee Meeting - parent fund expenditure

Our annual Week of the Young Child Celebration came to its fun finale on Thursday! From April 8th through the 11th, we happily honored our youngest learners, their families, educators, and highlighted the importance of early childhood education! Lamar Head Start started off the week with a visit from a great musician, who is also a father in our program. Tuesday, we invited parents to eat a tasty breakfast with their child, Wednesday we invited athletes from LCC to come spend time with our students during outdoor time and finally on Thursday, we walked to Lamar Community College. This culminated a total experience for Week of the Young Child. Many parents volunteered to walk with us, the Lamar Police Department stopped traffic so we could safely cross the highway and Dion and Laurie from LCC guided us through the innovate space where children had their face painted and drew with their friends while they waited. We also visited the cosmetology area for hair paint and tinsel, finishing up in the library for a few stories before walking back to the center just in time for lunch. Thank you to all the agencies for helping us make this week happen. Ms. Cecilia Center Manager at Lamar Head Start

Join us in celebrating Read Across America Week with these dress up days, if you would like to volunteer to come read a book during the week, just let me know. We'd love to have you!
Júntese con nosotros para celebrar Leer a Través de América con estos días de disfraz, si le gustaría venir a leer un libro durante esta semana, solo déjemelo saber. ¡Nos encantaría verlos!
Ms. Cecilia

Boletin de Lamar Español

Attention Lamar Head Start: due to weather, we will be on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, December 14. School will begin at 9:45 am.

LCC information event
Evento de informacion para LCC

Winter Program/Programa de Invierno

we have vacation days coming up!
se aproximan los dias de vacaciones

Lamar Head Start
Join us tonight from 5:00 to 7:00pm, learn about community resources from agencies that will be there tonight.
enter your name in the drawing for this great gift basket!
Únase a nosotros esta noche de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m., aprenda sobre los recursos comunitarios de las agencias que estarán allí esta noche.
¡Ponga su nombre en el sorteo de esta gran canasta de regalo!
811 S. Main at the Lamar Christian Church

Join us Thursday evening!
Venga a vernos el jueves en la tarde

Head Start Family Night
Noche de Familia

The Farmworker Relief Grant Program will be in Lamar on Monday, October 16th from 3:00pm to 7:00pm at the Community Building
El Programa de Subsidios de Ayuda para Trabajadores Agricolas estara en Lamar el lunes, 16 de octubre de 3:00pm at 7:00pm en el Edificio de la Comunidad

Lamar Head Start: Due to staff illness Ms. Donita's classroom C will not have class today. Wednesday October 4th.
Servido a enfermedad, el salón de Ms
Donita no tendrá clases hoy miércoles, 4 de octubre