¿Qué tienen en común una caza de osos y la preparación para emergencias?
Venga a descubrirlo este jueves por la noche en nuestra noche familiar
"Ir a cazar un oso"
Los niños hacen un botiquín de primeros auxilios
Aprenda sobre la Preparación para Emergencias con Jason Hibbs, nuestro Gerente de Operaciones de Instalaciones
Disfrute de una merienda al final de la caza
What does a bear hunt and emergency preparedness have in common?
Come find out this Thursday night at our family night
“Going on a Bear Hunt”
Kids Make a First Aid Kit
Learn about Emergency Preparedness with Jason Hibbs our Facilities Operation Manager
Enjoy a snack at the end of the hunt

Dress Up Days next week!
Dias de Diversion de Ropa, la proxima semana!

Lamar Head Start would like to thank all the community agencies that have made this month of learning and family go so well for our Head Start families.
Lamar Community building for letting us use the dance room for our Family Night
Lamar Public Library for coming to our family night and reading to our kids
Lamar Methodist Church for allowing us to use their kitchen for our meal
AM Breakfast house for making and donating the rice for Family Night
High Plains Community Health Center Dental for presenting to our students and doing dental screenings.
Lamar Head Start desea agradecer a todas las agencias comunitarias que han hecho que este mes de aprendizaje y familia tan bueno para nuestras familias de Head Start.
Edificio comunitario Lamar por permitirnos usar el salón de baile para nuestra Noche Familiar
Biblioteca Pública de Lamar por venir a nuestra noche familiar y leerles a nuestros niños
Iglesia Metodista Lamar por permitirnos usar su cocina para hacer nuestra comida
AM Casa de desayunos para hacer y donar el arroz para la Noche Familiar
High Plains Community Health Center Dental por la presentación a nuestros estudiantes y por hacer exámenes dentales

January 30th Lamar Head Start hosted a Family Movie Night at our own Head Start center, families arrived and went into their child's classroom to meet with the teacher and review the Parent committee agenda. they then watched the movie that the students voted on. During intermission everyone came to the concession stand to get their yummy snack. Thank you to everyone that joined us on the chilly night.
El 30 de enero, Lamar Head Start organizó una Noche de Cine Familiar en nuestro propio centro Head Start, las familias llegaron y entraron al salón de clases de sus hijos para reunirse con la maestra y revisar la agenda del comité de padres. Luego vieron la película por la que votaron los estudiantes. Durante el intermedio, todos se acercaron al puesto de comida para tomar su deliciosa merienda. Gracias a todos los que se unieron a nosotros en la fría noche. Ms. Cecilia

As we leave for fall break, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of our community, our families, staff and collaborating agencies in contributing to the positive impact of our Lamar Head Start program. Together we make a difference!
Take a moment to read what the students in Ms. Marisol and Ms. Aspen are thankful for this year! Thank you! See you back on December 2nd. Ms. Cecilia
Al irnos para las vacaciones de otoño, queremos tomar un momento para reconocer la importancia de nuestra comunidad, nuestras familias, personal y agencias colaboradoras en contribuir al impacto positivo que tiene nuestro programa Lamar Head Start. ¡Juntos hacemos la diferencia!
Tómese un momento para leer por lo que los estudiantes de la Srta. Marisol y la Sra. Aspen están agradecidos este año!
¡Gracias! Nos vemos el 2 de diciembre Ms. Cecilia

Lamar Head Start in collaboration with many local agencies put on a great evening of resources, information and fun for all of our families. We had a great turnout and families had a chance to talk to all the agencies present. Thank you. ..Lamar Head Start, en colaboración con muchas agencias locales, organizó una gran noche de recursos, información y diversión para todas nuestras familias. Tuvimos una gran concurrencia y las familias tuvieron la oportunidad de hablar con todas las agencias presentes. Gracias a Circle of Parents, LCC, Wholehearted Connection, DHS, Dept of Public Health, DHS Fatherhood Program, High Plains Community Health Center, Damascus Landing, Safecare, Valley Wide Health, Nurse Family Partnership, Cornerstone Resource Center, Prowers Youth Council and all of our families for joining us.

join us for our family wellness/resource night tonight! 811 S Main, 5 to 7pm. food, fun and information from many local agencies including the resource center, High Plains Community Health Center, valley wide, and more! drawings for gift baskets and earn bucks for our "veggie market"

Join us for an evening full of information from community resource agencies and learn about what our Lamar Head Start program has to offer children and families! open to current, past, and future Head Start families

Head Start families are the best! We had our fun end of October week last week, we started with our “pumpkin patch” where Karina, Annie, and Jocelyn set up a beautiful pumpkin patch with pumpkins donated by parents Monica and Isaiah, a backdrop brought in by Karina (thank you Jessica Rosales for letting us borrow your props) Children and parents went out to the field where children picked up the best pumpkin to bring to our family night to decorate. During the week we had wild west day, both staff and students showed off their western wear. Pajama day was enjoyed by all as well as superhero/princess day on the last day of the week.
When your child attends Lamar Head Start you become part of our family #HeadStartawareness #HeadStartisFamily
¡Las familias de Head Start son las mejores! Tuvimos nuestra divertida semana de fin de octubre la semana pasada, comenzamos con nuestro "huerto de calabazas" donde Karina, Annie y Jocelyn montaron un hermoso huerto de calabazas con calabazas donadas por los padres Mónica e Isaiah, un telón de fondo traído por Karina (gracias, Jessica Rosales por permitirnos tomar prestados sus accesorios) Los niños y los padres salieron al campo donde los niños recogieron la mejor calabaza para llevar a nuestra noche familiar para decorar. Durante la semana tuvimos el día del vaquero, tanto el personal como los estudiantes mostraron su ropa vaquera. El día del pijama fue disfrutado por todos, así como el día de la superheroína/princesa el último día de la semana.
Cuando su hijo asiste a Lamar Head Start, usted se convierte en parte de nuestra familia #HeadStartawareness #HeadStartisFamily

Dress UP Week is coming up!
Monday Wear something orange or with a pumpkin on it.
Tuesday Wear western wear
Wednesday Wear you favorite pajamas
Thursday Superhero/Princess Day
wear tennis shoes with all outfits please, children can't run with slippers on.

October is Head Start Awareness Month.
Children in #HeadStart are more likely to have hearing and vision screenings, dental checkups, and immunizations. #HeadStartAwareness
Otero CDS Head Start in Lamar has students brush their teeth everyday, students have toothbrushing learning tools in their centers and we recently had a dental hygienist come to the center to screen over 15 children who had not yet had a dental screening completed by a dentist . Call 719.336.1203 to get your child on our Head Start waitlist for this year or next year!

Our students had so much fun picking out new shoes! Thank you to Share the Spirit for including us in your event today!
a nuestros estudiantes les encanto escoger zapatos nuevos, Gracias a Share the Spirit por incluirnos en su evento hoy!
CDS Head Start of Lamar

This week we joined the elementary school in their homecoming spirit week. Today is dress like a teacher day. Here we have our new science teacher, gym teacher and Social studies teacher. These kids are very excited to be in the Lamar Head Start Team.
Esta semana nos unimos a la escuela primaria en su semana de espíritu de homecoming. Hoy es el día de vestirse como un maestro. Aquí tenemos a nuestro nuevo profesor de ciencias, de gimnasia y de estudios sociales. Estos niños están muy emocionados de estar en el equipo de Lamar Head Start

We are joining the elementary school with their dress up days, all of these dress up days are voluntary.
For Dress like a teacher day, it can be any teacher, from a movie, tv show or real life.
Nos estamos uniendo a la escuela primaria con sus días de disfraces, todos estos días de disfraces son voluntarios.
Para el día de vístete como un maestro/a, puede ser cualquier maestro, de una película, un programa de televisión o de la vida real.