LJ CDS Parents: Children's first day of school is August 23rd. Required Parent Orientation will take place August 15th, 16th, and 17th from 5:30-6:30 PM in the CECC gym at 800 Grace Ave. Please plan to attend ONE of the sessions. You do not need to attend all three. For questions, please call 719-384-3140.
Did you know Colorado schools and community organizations are offering FREE HEALTHY MEALS to all kids and teens 18 and younger this summer? Pick up is easy- just grab and go! Text "Food" or "Comida" to 304-304 or visit KidsFoodFinder.org to find a location near you.
CECC Parents: We hope you can join us at 4 PM this afternoon for a workshop on Mental Wellness. We will play a game, have a snack, and kids will make an activity. Please call the school if you can attend! 719-384-3140
CECC Parents - if you have a child that is planning to attend La Junta Primary School next fall, please return your Tiger Tots form to your child's teacher as soon as possible so we can get them to the Primary School. Thank you!
CECC Parents - don't forget Thursday night, from 6-7 PM, is our School Readiness Presentation and Classroom Committee Meeting. Please call the school if you plan to attend so we can plan accordingly.
Join us Tuesday evening in La Junta for Head Start and Colorado Preschool Program registration. #GetaHeadStart
Week of the Young Child starts tomorrow with Hat Day!
Don't forget! Spring Enrollment begins April 1!
Reminder! Picture Day for CECC will be tomorrow, Thursday, March 31, 2022. Ordering information will be sent out next week, after picture day. Please call the office if you have questions.
Picture Day for CECC has been rescheduled for March, 31, 2022.
Picture Day para CECC ha sido reprogramado para el 31 de marzo de 2022.
Don't forget tonight's parent workshop on Emergency Preparedness! Please use the link or call the office to sign up. https://forms.office.com/r/XV22hiXKyC
We hope you can join us tomorrow evening for a parent workshop on Emergency Preparedness! Please click the link to sign up! https://forms.office.com/r/XV22hiXKyC
Picture day at Columbian scheduled for Tuesday will be rescheduled for a later date. More details will be sent home to families.
Don't forget! Tomorrow is picture day! Ordering information will be sent home after picture day.
Save The Date! Class and Individual Pictures will be taken March 22, 2022. Please click the link to see package pricing options. https://5il.co/176ur
Ordering information will be sent home Monday.
Boletín de marzo
Check out the March Newsletter!
It's time for re-enrollment! If you are planning on your child returning to us next year and have not scheduled your re-enrollment, please contact your Family Health Advocate or call the office, 384-3140.
¡Es hora de reinscribirse! Si está planeando que su hijo regrese con nosotros el próximo año y no ha programado su reinscripción, comuníquese con su Defensor de la salud familiar o llame a la oficina al 384-3140.
Reminder! If you have not completed the Nurturing Parenting survey, please take a quick minute to do so. The survey will close at the end of the day tomorrow. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SVZMRYY
Thank you for your participation!
Hi families! It’s that time of year when there are lots of illnesses going around. If your child is sick, please keep them home. If your child has any symptoms, especially COVID-19 symptoms, contact your doctor. COVID-19 testing is safe and free and available in different locations. Click here to find a location. https://covid19.colorado.gov/testing