From Las Animas Head Start: Weather will be VERY cold today. The SAFETY of your children and our staff is always our top priority. Please be aware of the following in order to do your part in keeping everyone safe today: We will be having recess inside today, but please be sure to dress your child warmly with appropriate winter wear (coat, gloves, etc). Our usual Drop Off window will be shortened slightly this morning to protect staff from the cold weather. We will bring children in starting at 7:55 instead of 7:45. Please line up in the drive thru lane as usual, and REMAIN IN YOUR VEHICLE until you have reached the VERY FRONT of the line. This will help our line move more quickly and get children and staff into the heated building as quickly as possible. If you arrive after the 7:55 to 8 am window and staff are not visible outside, please STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE and CALL the center so we can come get your child and you are not having to wait in the cold at the door. 719-384-3180 Weather officials advise AGAINST walking in this weather. Please stay safe and we'll see you soon :)
almost 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
A Message from CDS Head Start: Due to center closure for weather, we will reschedule Family Night for after the Winter Break. Please stay home, and stay safe. School is expected to resume as usual tomorrow. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
It's hard to believe we have reached our Fall Break already! We at CDS Head Start would like to wish all of the families joy and happiness as you enjoy whatever your Fall traditions may be. Remember: no school next week. We will look forward to seeing your children again on Monday Nov. 29th!
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
We just gotta know: Are you coming to dinner tomorrow?! We can't wait to see you all and share a meal with you! On the menu: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit, Dinner Rolls. We'll be making Turkey themed decorations with our kids, and learning about Healthy Kids - Happy Families. Please call or email Cassie to let us know if you're coming and how many in your family so that we can make sure we have enough dinner for you all :) 719-384-3181
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Nurturing Parenting class has been cancelled for tonight due to Cassie being out sick. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all for class on Tuesday, hopefully in person if everyone is healthy.
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Join us next week on Wednesday 11/17/21 @ 6:30 p.m. for a Turkey Dinner, some fun, and some valuable information on "Healthy Kids - Happy Families!" presented by your own Nurse Cassie. Sign up by Thursday 11/11/21 by calling or emailing Cassie or Ms Tosha :)
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Family Night - Turkey Dinner Nov 17th @ 6:30 p.m.
Due to lack of substitutes, Las Animas Head Start will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday November 3. We plan to resume services as usual on Thursday November 4th unless otherwise notified. Thank you for your understanding and support as we continue to work to maintain a safe and enriching environment for children and families. Questions or concerns? Call Cassie 719-384-3181
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Attention families: Las Animas Center will be closed Wednesday, November 3, due to staff shortage. Thank you
about 3 years ago, Candice Miell
From Las Animas Headstart: As the weather becomes cooler, please remember that children do still play outside daily. Remember to send a jacket each day and we will be sure it comes home in the afternoon. If your child does not have a jacket and you need help getting one please talk to Cassie.
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
From Las Animas Head Start: Nurturing Parenting Classes are set for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the center. Childcare and snacks are provided. If you haven't signed up yet and want to, call Cassie ASAP at 719-384-3181. This is a 5 week course and new friendships are sure to be made! First class is tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.!
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
From Las Animas Head Start: School will resume normal schedule tomorrow 10/26/21.
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
There will be no school for children on Monday due to staff shortages. Thank you
about 3 years ago, Candice Miell
Debido a la falta de personal, lamentamos la necesidad de cerrar el Centro Head Start de Las Animas hoy, jueves 14 de octubre de 2021. Los servicios se reanudarán el lunes a la hora habitual. Acepte nuestras disculpas por esta interrupción de servicios. Ayúdenos a correr la voz que los Servicios de Desarrollo Infantil del Otero Collège están contratando para nuestro centro y otros. Necesitamos sustitutos y un ayudante de maestro de medio tiempo en nuestro centro y hay otras oportunidades disponibles en otros sitios. Las solicitudes pueden recogerse en el centro o imprimirse en
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Due to inadequate staffing, we regret the need to close the Las Animas Head Start Center today, Thursday October 14, 2021. Services will resume Monday at regular time. Please accept our apologies for this interruption of services. Please help us spread the word that Otero Collège Child Development Services is hiring for our center and others. We are in need of Substitutes and a Part Time Teacher Aide at our center and other opportunities are available at other sites. Applications can be picked up at the center or printed from
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Due to inadequate staffing, we regret the need to close the Las Animas Head Start Center today, Thursday October 14, 2021. Services will resume Monday at regular time. Please accept our apologies for this interruption of services. Please help us spread the word the Otero Collège Child Development Services is hiring for our center and others. We are in need of Substitutes and a Part Time Teacher Aide at our center and other opportunities are available at other sites. Applications can be picked up at the center or printed from
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Due to a staff shortage, the classroom in Las Animas will be closed today (October 14). Thank you
about 3 years ago, Candice Miell
Please complete this Survey today. It will take less than 5 minutes and help us plan to meet your needs. Thank you :)
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Nurturing Parenting is coming up, and I need to know: Who wants in?! :) This is a fun and interactive program that helps build a foundational knowledge of child development and how to build and nurture positive relationships with your child. There is more information on the survey at the link below and the survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Please take a moment to return it as it will really help us make sure you are getting the best services and resources possible for your family. Thank you for your input! :)
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Am I Right? :)
Please check your email tonight as we have sent an important document for each child requiring and electronic signature. It will have come from Las Animas HS through Panda Doc and was sent on Sept 29. This Lead Screening Questionnaire is an essential part of your child's health file as we await backordered supplies to complete the official Lead Screening. Families with multiple children in the program will need to complete one for each child. Thank you for your help with this. -Cassie
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN
Reminder: Tomorrow is Picture Day for the Las Animas Head Start Center! Be sure your child is looking their best-- bright colors are best to stand out against the background. Please do NOT send picture money, and there is no order form. You will have an opportunity to order online AFTER photos are taken. Photos will be done by Avalos Fine Portraiture and a website and code will be provided to parents to place your order. We will do photos right after breakfast, so please be sure your child is on time. We're excited to see all those bright, smiling faces tomorrow!
about 3 years ago, Cassie Maurer, LPN